Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Time Passes

The duality of time passing - when you're thinking about the wait for the referral it goes SOOO Slowly but suddenly you realise nearly 2 months have passed since you last put thoughts to keyboard. Thanks for those of you that complained gently to give me the proverbial kick up the butt.

I'd like to say it was bcause I was incredibly busy with referrals or even extensive holiday travelling but we haven't had a referral and my extensive holidaying comproised 4 days in a tent in Wales! No, the reason I haven't updated in a while was the complete lack of inspiration of finding another way to say No News yet!

HOwever this last week has seen adoption activity levels bounce back up again. One of the reasons referrals are taking longer is the new legislation in Russia promoting domestic adoption (bygiveing people $10,000). OIt seems many Russians have requested a girl under 2 so of course International Adoptions are taking a back seat. Hubby and I have been discussing if there is anyway we can broaden our matching requirements to hopefully "speed things upa bit". At the time of our homestudy we did comsider teh issue of adoptiong siblings but felt Princess Toodles was just too young to cope and she'd feel excluded from bonding with bio Russians. However she is now 7 so th conversation has again turned to the option of siblings.

What we have decided is we would like to adopt either a single girl about 3-4 years old OR a sibling group of 2, either girl (eldest)/boy or 2 girls with the eldest sibling being no more than 4. THis means we have to have a new review of our homestudy and back to panel but we don't get put to the bottom of the list and meanwhile our referral for a little girl still stands. It will also mean more work and more money foretha doption but we're almost past caring about that - just get me my family.

So now we're waiting for contact from the social worker to come back for another chat and I have to say it's nice having something positive to do again.