Sunday, July 01, 2007

1st July 2007 - The Hidden Gains on the adoption Journey...

Adoption is a journey - almost everyone you talk to about adoption will say this but there is something very few people tell you about but many people I've spoken to agree. Since starting my journey I have now gained a backside the size of Alaska.

The emotional rollercoaster that comes with adoption takes many twists and turns and you feel the full spectrum of emotions:

Depression = Comfort eating
Frustration = Occupational therapy eating
Confusion = Mindless eating
Celebration = Lets have a meal eating.

OK so I'm pobably hugely generalising but it is amazing how many people I've spoken too that suffer the same problem. One couple who'd sat in Russia for 10 days waiting for papers and clearance warned me there was very little else to do but eat, and thinking about it I can now fully understand.

I got on the scales, it was shocking! At this rate by the time I bring my daughter home, I'm going to have to get a new home with an excessively large front door. So I am now on the official adoption diet. I've put it in the "Keep Debi busy by doing positive things" category and it's not quite as depressing as the normal efforts.

I'm sure there are people out there where the stress of adoption impacts them by losing weight and others who have remarkable control and just stay the same. To you I dedicate my ryvita. For the rest of us mere mortals, we can stop stuffing, celebrate our buxomness or bin the scales (now that is tempting...!)

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