Tuesday, June 05, 2007

16th May 2007

Hello all! Just got back from Russia about 3 hours ago and am absolutely wrecked - haven't seen a bed since Sunday evening and have slept on planes, trains and automobiles since!

James and I flew to St Petersburg early Monday arriving there at 4pm. After meeting up with another couple who were there to go to court to adopt a little boy, we headed off to dinner and then caught an overnight train to Petrozovodsk. Think Polar Express and you're not far off, coal driven, very rickety....

We arrived in Petroz. about 7am on Tuesday and were taken to a local hotel to spend the day. Quick change into suits and we sat in the hotel like a couple of lemons until we got a text at 11.15am saying our paperwork was all handed in and they hadn't needed to see us. That was it... talk about anti-climax! However then the bright spot was as the other couple were going to se their soon-to-be-son in the afternoon we managed to get a pass and go to the children's home too. And I have to say it is really lovely. Yes the buildings old and needs attention but there is a full time child psychologist and speech therapist, gym, music room, one on one attention every day and the kids looked really happy. It was very re-assuring.

After that we went out for dinner with some fellow adopters and then caught the polar express back to St Petersburg where we waited about 7 hours to go to the airport and caught a flight home.

As for all the reticent things we've heard about the Russians I have to say what a completely positive experience it was. We felt completely safe, the Russians were very welcoming and even humoured my rather shocking Russian.

We are not looking our best and probably need a long shower!!!!

The next step is waiting for a referral and we really have NO CLUE! We've heard anything from 3 weeks (very rare) to 3 months (pretty rare) up to 10months so please say a word with the Almighty for us and see if you can pull in any special favours, we'd still love to have her home by Christmas.

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