Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I'm trying to learn Russian... It's hard, really hard and the hardest thing is trying to fit in the time! Tuesday evening is Russian lesson night and it wings it's way around with surprising speed and I'm left with the usual embarrassed foot shuffling of why I have not done the slightest bit of work since last week. My intentions are good, in fact I'd say they were excellent. It's the putting into practise that seems to be under-performing!

My Russian teacher is lovely, very quiet and nice and is learning to be a teacher at the same time I'm learnign Russian so maybe we're helping each other out. Some of it must be going in, just not at the rate I'd expect. So I do need to make the effort and find the time...

Am becoming addicted to surfing the Russian adoption database, cannot be healthy so must stop that. Maybe I should swap the database surfing with Russian studying?!

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