Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Why Is Nothing Ever Easy?????

26th June 2007

Aaaaaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Why is NOTHING ever easy? And adoption tops that list I assure you. As if the waiting in limbo was not bad enough but I have just received an email from my agency saying there has been a sharp increase in domestic adoptions in Russia and I now have to immediately send them a letter clarifying (for the 1000th time) the type of child we're approved to adopt and any flexibility on age, gender and health. I know its great that Russian families are adoping children but from my side this whole process is just horrible.

On the bright side (??) I have had to explain this so many time isn the past I just modified an old statement that I'd done and sent it in.

God. I'm depressed......

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