Tuesday, June 05, 2007

There was lots of too-ing and fro-ing which you'll be greatful was not captured on email but ...

30th November 2006

great great news! just got a call from social services today. can you belive it they've "had a cancellation" and we're up for panel on the 13th of december - that's just 2 weeks! James called to tell me and I surprised myself with my reaaction by bursting into tears in the office (very hard to explain as no one knows!)

No matter what the outcome - even if they say go away and come back in 3 months they will have said it a month earlier! How exciting....

13th December 2006

Hey all - well it's 10pm on Wednesday evening and we've just got out of panel and.... yeah us! We've been recommended as adoptive parents. Just the absolutely best Christmas pressie ever!

Off to crack a bottle of champagne.

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