Monday, June 11, 2007

4 weeks and counting....

The usual surprise that four weeks have actually passed quite quickly when they seem to go at snails pace from day to day! I think I'm slowly coming out of the manically obsessive stage and moving into just the mildly obsessive stage. I think I've ot my email habit down to twice a day and almost forgot to take my phone for lunch but remembers just in time!

I'm consciously tring to limit how much I say to Princess Toodles - "When your little sister is here etc" Half of me thinks she'll be getting sick to death of hearing it and the other half is worried about her if it all falls through. I don't want to tempt fate by going on about it. I think I'm moving to the watched pot never boils philosohpy. It'll all happen in the week when I haven't checked email for days, I've got a really important thing coming up at work and life is just busy being life...That's probably when I'll get the phone call, not when I'm frenetically checking!

The only way for it to stay real through is to talk about it, most friends are getting slightly jaded. Even a well meaning friend commented the other day taht this was like the longest pregnancy on earth, I could cope with that until she started drawing parallels with elephants - Ta Muchly! In truth I'd find it hard to look interetsed if I wasn't involved. Didn't realise how much the network of people in the same boat would mean to me... Friends rock!

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