Tuesday, June 05, 2007

17th Janury 2007

Well the adoption rollercoaster is well and truly on it's way! At the moment we are waiting for confirmation that our paperwork has been received by the DfES. I've already sent my first email and have a letter typed, signed and in an envelope waiting to go with details of our notary etc.

Tonight we had or interview call with the agency. We received their pack of documents over the weekend and Oh My God, it's the homestudy but 100 times worse! I've lost count of the number of foms I've had to sign everything from promising not to smack our child, waiving any rights togetting a sick child to not donating any of their body parts for medical research - WHAT!????????????

One of the things that really choked us was we have been approved for a little girl 0-3years old. Today we wee speaking to the director of the agency who had already discussed us with the Directorof the Children's home in Karelia. The Director came to us with an offer saying the Children's Home felt we were eminantly suitable to adopt a pair of sibling boys aged 3 & 4. They were adoption ready and they would waive all time delays in matching if we would accept. It was heartbreaking. Your natural reaction is to rush out and respond in the sentimental moment. So one thing we learnt tonight is that it's important to stick to your rational decisions that you've made previously in thecold light of day and not react to the emotive moment. We made a very eloquent speach about being flattered and honoured but politely declined - Princess Tashi toodles would never forgive me! My mum was virtually in tears as she would love a couple of cheeky boys! Heart breaking in deed.

Anyway the good news in we are now headlong into our agency docs and Russian Dossier. We havea great notary who has adopted himself and just seems to know everything about the process and how to speed it up little bits.

Anyway things at the moment are hectic but it's ood to be doing something - ANYTHING!

Stops me going mildly mad :o)

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